Star Ratings and Quality Measures
The star ratings for Banner Medicare Advantage plans have previously ranged from 4.5 stars to 3 stars. Some plans received the following ratings:
These ratings are updated annually by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and serve as a tool for comparing the quality of Medicare Advantage plans.
Banner Medicare Advantage plans employ standardized quality improvement outcome and process measures. The star ratings for Banner Medicare Advantage plans for 2025 range from 4.5 stars to 3 stars.
While the answer does not explicitly provide a direct comparison to the national average, it indicates a performance variation relative to industry benchmarks.
Enrollment Periods and Eligibility Criteria
In order to enroll in a Banner Medicare Advantage plan, individuals must meet the following criteria:
- Be entitled to Medicare Part A
- Reside in the plan’s service area. Residency is defined as living at a permanent address for at least half of the year.
The enrollment period for Banner Medicare Advantage plans for 2025 is from October 15th to December 7th, known as the Annual Election Period.
If you are not in the plan service area of Banner Medicare Advantage, or you meet other specific conditions, your current plan will initiate a Special Enrollment Period for you to select a new plan.
Enrolling late in a Banner Medicare Advantage plan without having other creditable drug coverage may result in a lifetime Part D late enrollment penalty, which is 1% of the average Part D premium for each month you delay enrollment.
Navigating Additional Supplemental Benefits
Banner Medicare Advantage plans offer a range of comprehensive benefits that go further than Original Medicare. These encompass prescription drug coverage, access to high-quality care, and additional services tailored to ensure comprehensive health care coverage.

To effectively utilize these optional supplemental benefits, consider selecting an enhanced benefit Medicare Part D plan for more comprehensive coverage.
Supplemental benefits can be added to your Banner Medicare Advantage plan by considering the available options, such as the HMO, PPO, and HMO D-SNP plans, to find the ones that best fit your requirements. The expenses for adding supplementary benefits can differ depending on the particular benefits and plan chosen.