Understanding Medicare Advantage PPO Blue Cross Plans

When you evaluate health coverage options, comprehending the potential benefits and features of each plan is of utmost importance. Medicare Advantage Plans, also known as Part C, will likely serve as an alternative to Original Medicare.
They are offered by private insurance companies approved by Medicare, such as Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. Unlike Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans, including PPO Blue Cross plans, may include:
Blue Cross will likely provide various types of Medicare Advantage plans, including Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), HMO-Point of Service (HMO-POS), and Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans. The PPO plans, in particular, may offer flexibility in choosing healthcare providers and may also include out-of-network coverage options.
With affiliates of Blue Cross Blue Shield potentially offering Medicare Advantage plans across several counties, there will likely be a plethora of options available that could cater to your unique healthcare needs.
Possible Features of PPO Blue Cross Plans
One of the potential advantages of some Medicare Advantage PPO plans offered by Blue Cross could be the flexibility they provide in choosing healthcare providers. Some of these plans may include out-of-network coverage options, possibly giving you the liberty to choose physicians outside the provider’s network when necessary.
To help manage out-of-pocket expenses, some Blue Cross PPO plans may also feature an annual limit on out-of-pocket costs, which may have separate limits for in-network and combined in-network and out-of-network costs.
Prescription drug coverage may sometimes be integrated into certain Medicare Advantage PPO plans, possibly providing a convenient way to manage medication costs. However, bear in mind that there may be significant variations in-network providers, benefits, and costs of Blue Cross PPO plans.
Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for Medicare Advantage PPO Blue Cross plans, some general criteria must be met. Individuals must be at least 65 years old, or if under 65, they must be receiving disability benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board. Remember, age isn’t the only determinant for Medicare eligibility.
In some cases, individuals diagnosed with specific medical conditions are also eligible to enroll in Medicare Advantage plans.
For instance, individuals diagnosed with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) can qualify for enrollment in PPO Blue Cross plans. These provisions ensure that even those with serious health conditions have access to comprehensive medical coverage.
To enroll, call one of our licensed agents at 1-844-709-9937 (TTY user 711) Mon-Fri 8am-9pm EST. They can provide comprehensive information, personalized guidance, and ongoing assistance to navigate the enrollment process for private insurance companies, making it easier for beneficiaries to make informed decisions about their healthcare.
Comparing PPO Plans: Blue Cross vs. Other Providers
While Blue Cross could provide an array of comprehensive Medicare Advantage PPO plans, it’s important to weigh these plans against those of other providers. This comparison could provide a holistic view of the healthcare coverage landscape and better equip you to make an informed decision.
UnitedHealthcare, for instance, boasts the largest Medicare Advantage network, available in several states and Washington, D.C., with over 1 million providers. As one of the leading Medicare Advantage organizations with a Medicare contract, Aetna may also offer more plans that might not have a Part C premium. However, a majority of Blue Cross Blue Shield plans have had an above-average overall star rating.
Interestingly, Blue Cross Blue Shield may also distinguish itself by offering plans that may include low out-of-pocket maximums and competitive drug deductibles, which could be an attractive feature when compared to other providers like United Healthcare and Aetna.
Network Size and Quality
When it comes to network size and quality, Blue Cross Blue Shield will likely offer access to a broad network comprising thousands of doctors and hospitals throughout the U.S., who will likely be part of the Blue Shield Association.
However, UnitedHealthcare will likely hold the distinction of having the largest Medicare Advantage provider network. This extensive network may be particularly advantageous for individuals who travel frequently or have healthcare providers in different states.
However, it may be worth noting that BCBS has a network of numerous independent and locally operated companies, which means their potential benefits and network quality may vary across different regions. Medicare Advantage plans, including those offered by BCBS, will likely have defined service areas.
Therefore, beneficiaries should verify if their current physicians are included in the plan’s network.
Cost Differences
In terms of the potential cost differences between Blue Cross and other providers, BCBS’s premium for Medicare Advantage plans may be lower than that of Aetna.
Some Blue Cross Blue Shield plans may also present a lower-than-average out-of-pocket expenditure in some of their Medicare Advantage offerings compared to some other providers.
However, when evaluating medication costs, some of Blue Cross’s average drug deductibles for certain Medicare Advantage plans may be generally lower than Aetna’s, which could translate to more savings on prescriptions for Blue Cross enrollees.